Losing That Belly Fat: 10 Simple Steps and Home Remedies

Belly fat can be stubborn and tough to lose. While exercise and diet are vital for losing body fat overall, you can actually target belly fat loss with a few extra tweaks. Follow these 10 simple steps and home remedies to help burn belly fat faster:

Add Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is emerging as one of the most versatile remedies for fat burning and weight loss. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps stimulate fat burning while limiting fat accumulation.

Start your day by adding 1-2 tablespoons of organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drinking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The tangy vinegar signals your digestive system to start processing food and may help improve insulin sensitivity over time.

Drink Colder Water

Going low-tech with your drinking water can actually burn more calories! Just by sipping ice-cold water throughout the day, rather than room temperature water, you can boost your metabolism.

Drinking roughly half a gallon of cold water can help your body burn over 100 extra calories per day through a process called thermogenesis. Keep a pitcher of water chilled in the fridge or add fresh lemon slices to make drinking the water more exciting and easier to stick with long-term.

Add Spices Like Cayenne and Cinnamon

Spicing up your food doesn’t just make it tastier but also activates thermogenesis to help turn up your fat burn. Powerful spices like chili pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric all contain metabolism boosting compounds.

Add a pinch of cayenne, dash of cinnamon, or splash of hot sauce to meals whenever possible. For coffee drinkers, sprinkle cinnamon and a dash of cayenne into your morning cup to kick start fat-burning for the day.

Follow an Early Dinner / No Late Night Snacking

Schedule What time you eat can have a big impact on belly fat burning. Researchers found that eating dinner by mid-afternoon helped study participants lose over 10 pounds more than eating a later dinner, even when total calories were the same throughout the study.

Aim to eat your last meal of the day by 7 or 8pm and stop snacking a few hours before bed to take advantage of your body’s natural fat-burning cycles. Letting your body fully digest dinner earlier gives it time to enter fat-burning mode before bed.

Do Burpees and Planks

Want to torch belly fat without endless sit ups that strain your back? Burpees and planks engage your core and burn tons calories in a short time.

Aim to do 10-15 burpees per minute followed immediately by holding a plank for 60 seconds to supercharge belly fat loss. Repeat this sequence for 10-15 minutes for an intense fat-blasting cardio burst right at home with zero equipment needed.

Lift Weights

Cardio is great for burning calories, but adding in strength training is key if you want to lose inches around your waist. Building muscle raises your metabolism so you burn more calories and fat around the clock.

Focus on total body moves that engage multiple muscle groups at once like squats, lunges, push ups, rows, shoulder presses. Aim to strength train for 30-45 minutes 3 times a week, allowing a day of rest in between sessions.

De-stress with Meditation, Yoga or a Walk

Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol levels which can increase belly fat storage. Find healthy ways to manage stress levels through meditation, yoga, journaling, or other hobbies. Getting outside for a walk is another simple way to clear your mind while burning extra calories.

Taking just 10-15 minutes a day to practice deep breathing, stretch your body and muscles through yoga, or get your steps in can help decrease belly fat promoting cortisol.

Drink Green Tea or Coffee

Sipping on green tea or coffee during the day can actually support your belly fat burning goals thanks to compounds like EGCG and caffeine.

Both drinks promote fat burning and temporarily boost metabolism without any sugar or calories. Enjoy a warm cup of green tea after your apple cider vinegar drink in the morning, or pour yourself a freshly brewed cup of coffee when you need an afternoon pick me up.

Eat More Protein and Fiber

Fueling up on protein and fiber slows digestion to help you stay satisfied between meals while also feeding the muscle growth needed for a faster metabolism.

Aim for 0.5-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily from sources like eggs, lean meats, ancient grains, beans, nuts and seeds. For fiber, women should get 25 grams daily and men 38 grams per day. Load up on fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds at meals and snacks.

Get 7-9 Hours of Sleep Nightly

Skimping on sleep causes surges in the hunger hormone ghrelin and increases insulin resistance, both of which promote fat storage rather than burning. But when you get enough shut eye, your body balances hormones to facilitate belly fat loss.

Commit to a regular sleep routine of heading to bed and waking up around the same time daily while getting at least 7 hours and ideally 9 hours nightly. Create an electronics curfew 1-2 hours before bed and engage in relaxing activities like journaling, stretching or reading before lights out.

Implementing one or two of these simple steps and home remedies can get you losing more belly fat day by day. But combining several of these strategies together and sticking with them consistently will give you the fastest results on your journey towards a trimmer waistline.

The key is being patient and persistent as you tweak your routine and zero in on the fat burning solutions that work specifically for your body and lifestyle. Maintaining realistic expectations while celebrating small victories along the way is vital.

With the right mindset and determination, plus these simple home steps tailored to your needs, you can absolutely achieve your goal of losing belly fat in a healthy, sustainable way over time.

Lisa Miles
Author: Lisa Miles

Lisa Miles

Lisa Miles is a well know dental receptionist and dental blogger who helps to promote Thousand Smiles Clinic with latest tips which provided by our dentists.

Website : https://www.thousandsmiles.uk/