Underbites: Causes, Impacts, and Correction Options

What is an Underbite?

An underbite, also known as mandibular prognathism, is a common condition characterized by misalignment between the upper and lower rows of teeth. An underbite occurs when the lower jaw extends outward farther than the upper jaw. This causes the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper front teeth when you bite down. About 5% of the global population has some form of underbite.

Underbite Causes and Risk Factors

Underbites have several possible underlying causes:

Genetics – Inheriting overdevelopment of the lower jaw or underdevelopment of the upper jaw from your parents.

Environmental Factors – Physical trauma, childhood habits like pacifier sucking, and diseases damaging jaw growth.

Tooth Positioning – Having abnormally tilted or crooked teeth shifts alignment.

You are at higher risk for developing an underbite if someone in your immediate family also has an underbite. Those with small or weak chins and short upper jaws are also predisposed genetically. Environmental influences like excessive thumbsucking as a toddler can prompt overgrowth of the lower jaw.

Impacts and Issues Related to Underbites

Underbites don’t just detract from an attractive facial profile. They also cause oral health problems including:

Difficulty chewing and bite issues – Misaligned jaws make biting down and chewing less efficient. Food gets trapped between misaligned teeth more readily causing plaque buildup and increased dental decay.

TMJ/TMD disorders – The imbalance causes strain on connective tissues and may impact the temporomandibular joint where the jawbone meets skull bone causing pain. Grinding or clenching from misaligned bite adds more wear and tear.

Speech impediments – Underbites interfere with normal tongue placement which affects pronunciation of words with ‘s’ and ‘th’ sounds.

Tooth abrasion – Due to unbalanced teeth contact, increased forces cause rapid deterioration of tooth enamel over time requiring extensive restoration work.

Psychological distress – Facial aesthetic issues and difficulty speaking or eating out in public settings fosters self-consciousness impacting self-esteem and quality of life.

Correction Options for Improving Underbites

Successfully correcting underbites ranges from dental camouflage orthodontics to teeth removal or surgical reconstruction of underlying jaw discrepancies depending on each particular case:

Braces – Orthodontic appliances like traditional braces or clear aligners help tilt and straighten crooked teeth to make lower teeth meet the upper teeth properly for improved bite. Jaw discrepancies remain unchanged.

Tooth extraction/molars grinding – Removing teeth crowding the lower jaw or grinding back molars provides room for lower front teeth to shift back into normal position lined up beneath upper front teeth when biting down.

Jaw surgery – Oral maxillofacial surgeons reposition the misaligned jaw bones through procedures like unilateral sagittal split osteotomy to permanently achieve proper bite alignment and facial balance. Often combined with orthodontics.

The best correction method for an underbite depends greatly on the actual severity and nature of the underlying skeletal and dental issues contributing to the malocclusion. Be sure to get imaging analysis and professional consultations with both an orthodontist and oral surgeon to determine suitable options.

Living with an Underbite

  • Chew slowly using both sides to reduce strain
  • Cut food into small pieces to minimize bite issues
  • Avoid sticky, hard foods that increase risk of trauma
  • Consider orthodontic wax or mouthguard at night to protect teeth grinding
  • See your dentist every 6 months to monitor wear, decay risks
  • Get speech therapy if pronunciation problems cause distress
  • Seek counselling if psychological impacts affect your quality of life

Surgical Correction Details

  • Surgery done after jaw growth finishes, usually late teens
  • Corrects skeletal foundation for properly aligned bite
  • Requires extensive orthodontic treatment before and after surgery
  • Hospital stay 1-3 days, several weeks recovery needed
  • Medical insurance may cover a portion of costs
  • Carries standard surgical risks plus nerve damage risk

No matter what stage of jaw development or severity level of the underbite, today’s orthodontic treatments offer more options than ever to correct bite alignment and improve facial symmetry and smile aesthetics. Consulting qualified experts is key to determining the most effective solutions for your unique case, whether dental camouflage or surgical measures. Addressing this common condition promptly prevents worsening bite issues in the future.

The key is addressing underbites early for the most effective solutions, prevention of worsening issues, and best facial esthetics outcomes. Monitoring unusual overgrowth of the lower jaw as a child can catch developing underbites before jaw growth completes. And correcting existing minor underbites with dental camouflage can keep more invasive surgical options at bay. Implementing underbite treatment in the late teens ultimately proves most effective for young patients. Seeking orthodontic consultations in Wandsworth by age 7 gives ample correction time before jaw growth halts.

Don’t hesitate to get an expert assessment if you notice lower teeth extending outward more than upper teeth when biting down. Look into options that create an ideal bite while enhancing facial symmetry and smile aesthetics. With today’s technological advances, correcting underbites is very achievable with less burden than years past. Achieve the healthy, radiant smile and properly functioning bite you deserve through professional underbite treatment cost tailored to your unique orthodontic needs.

Jennifer Winget
Author: Jennifer Winget

Jennifer Winget

Abbie Daniels is a dedicated dental blogger with a passion for making advanced orthodontic solutions accessible to everyone. Specialising in Invisalign treatments, Abbie writes compelling content about exclusive deals and offers on Invisalign available in London , particularly focusing on the innovative services provided by Chatfield Dental Braces Clinic.

Website : https://www.chatfieldbraces.co.uk/